
Power Edit (Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP)

Power Edit (Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP) Boxshot

Power Edit (Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP) Author

BigNet Store

Power Edit (Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP) Features

Power Edit is a very powerful text editor For Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP. It is a far more functional replacement For Notepad and Wordpad, and an excellent Tool For Creating and Editing Web pages.

With Power Edit you can simultaneously Edit many Files of any size, with lines of any length. You can quickly navigate between Files with the Simple tabbed interface, and can split each file window to see two views of the same file. In Windows NT, 2000 or XP, the number of simultaneous Open Files is virtually unlimited; in Windows 95, 98 and ME it is limited by System Resources.

Power Edit contains all the usual Features expected of text Editors and several that are unique. The Search and replace function is especially powerful, including regular expression handling as well as soundex and approximate searches, which are found in few if any other Editors. In addition, the Program includes many text manipulation functions which are difficult to Find elsewhere, such as removal of leading spaces, position -Based text deletion, deletion of blank lines and extraction of e-Mail addresses and Internet URLs.

The complete List of Features includes:

File Operations

- Open multiple Files of any size, with unlimited line length
- Preview Files in the File Open dialog
- Drag and drop Files from My Computer or Explorer
- Save all Open Files at once, save selected text as a file, save a Copy of the file
- Print and print preview with configurable font, margins, headers, footers, color syntax highlighting
- Specify favorite Files and folders in two different ways
- Insert file at cursor
- Reload current file from Disk
- Delete current file from Disk
- View file in Web Browser
- Email file directly from the editor
- Export to Adobe Acrobat Pdf Format with configurable font, margins, headers, footers
- Export to RTF (rich text file) Format
- Open binary Files For viewing only
- Automatic timed Backup available
- When saving Files, previous version can be sa ved as a Backup


- Cut, Copy, paste, cut and append, Copy and append
- Unlimited undo and redo
- Select word, select line, select all
- Delete word, delete line, delete to end of line, delete to start of line
- Indent and unindent
- Change case of selected text (upper, lower, invert case, proper case, capitalize every word)
- Insert date/time
- Column (rectangular) blocks available

Search and Replace

- Regular expression Search/replace
- Soundex (phonetic) Search
- Approximate Search (allows For one or more non-matching characters)
- Search/replace in current file or all Open Files
- Search/replace in Files on Disk without opening them
- When searching current file, scope can be entire file or from cursor down
- When replacing in current file, scope can be entire file, from cursor down or selected text only
- Case-sensitive and whole word options
- List of Search results can be displayed in two different ways
- Count occurrence s of Search text
- Go to line, go to column
- Match brace characters
- Set and go to bookmarks

Text Operations

- Optional word wrapping
- Reformat text within margins
- Unformat text (convert to one long line)
- Align text left, center or right
- Sort ascending or descending, with selectable starting column
- Remove leading spaces
- Convert multiple spaces to single space
- Insert specified text in each line
- Delete text from each line by column position or by occurrence of a text string
- Automatically insert line numbers into text, with various formatting options
- Invert order of lines
- Delete blank lines
- Create List of distinct or duplicate lines
- Clean up and reformat Html code
- Convert text to Html
- Remove Html tags
- Extract Email addresses or URLs from text

Other Features

- Spell checker with dictionaries availabl

Power Edit (Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP) Price


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Power Edit (Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP) Screenshot

Power Edit (Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP) Operating Systems

Windows 95/98/ME,Windows NT/2000,Windows XP

