Together Enhydra Shark Workflow Kernel Ext. WKB Boxshot
Together Enhydra Shark Workflow Kernel Ext. WKB Author
Together Enhydra Shark Workflow Kernel Ext. WKB Features
Together Enhydra Shark Workflow Kernel Ext. AddOn WKB Binaries For unlimited internal use including 1 Support case.
This AddOn provides a series of extensions to the Enhydra Shark workflow kernel For greater flexibility and/or better System performance: usage of undefined Process variables at runtime, avoid Creation of activity context variables, selective Assignment Manager usage, selective assignment Creation, Creation of default assignments, selective assignment deletion, selective handling of unsatisfied split conditions.
This AddOn enables you to get information about starting and ending XPDL activity definitions For a specific Process definition, get information about XPDL activity and transition definitions following a specific activity definition, get information about XPDL activity and transition definitions prior to a specific activity definition, get information about first or last executed activities within a specific Process instance, get information about activities from the Process that are waiting to execute, get the 'manual' activity executed prior to a specific activity instance, abort the running activity and perform a backward navigation in the Process instance , abort the running activity and perform a forward navigation in the Process instance, abort the running activity and move to a newly instantiated activity of a specific activity definition, abort the running activity and go to the previously executed activity within the Process, perform a re-evaluation of all assignments For a specified user, perform fa st Process deletion (if DODS Selective Persistence add-on is also available)
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Together Enhydra Shark Workflow Kernel Ext. WKB Operating Systems
Windows NT/2000,Linux,Windows XP,Windows NT/2000/2003/SBS2003,Windows Vista