

CaptureAPI Boxshot

CaptureAPI Author


CaptureAPI Features

screen capture and Image manipulation API,Easy to integrate in your Product.
1.Capturing on screen,select by window,object,menu,rectangle etc.
2.Auto scrolls window during capture,get all of the images in the window or Web Page.
3.Capture Object,To capture Small items on your Computer screen such as a toolbar button, icon, etc.
4.Read and write all kind picture File(such as bmp,jpg,gif,pcx,png,tif etc).
5.Transform Image with over 100 predefined effects.
6.It is a regular Win32 component, and supports all the popular Development environments, such as Visual Studio 6.0, Visual Studio .Net 2003, Visual Studio .Net 2005, Delphi, C++ Builder, etc.

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CaptureAPI Operating Systems

Windows 95/98/ME,Windows NT/2000,Windows XP

